Monday 18 October 2010

Review: Mankind Razor Pit

Mankind Razor Pit:  It will change your life.

OK, perhaps I’m overstating the case a little here, but even a little change is a change, right?  What we have here is the Mankind Razor Pit available from Mankind.  It’s a wonderful little gadget and its damned simple.  Basically this is a device to clean your razor blades.

Ever noticed how your razor gets “blunt” after it’s been used a couple of times?  You rinse it out and reuse it a couple of times but it begins to snag and not shave smooth or close.  So what now? You throw it away and use another.  And guess what?  Those blades are expensive.  You add up what you spend on blades and its quickly going to add up to the £25ish the Razor Pit plus P&P will set you back.

The thing is you see those “blunt” blades are not actually blunt.  You think your stubble is really hard enough to take the edge off stainless steel?  What has happened is that they are covered with a sticky icky residue made of body grease, hair, shaving foam, etc. which coats the blade and prevents it cutting.  What the Razor Pit does is wipe that gunk off so you can keep reusing the blade.

It’s so simple and it works so well.  Before I could get 2 or maybe 3 shaves out of a blade before it needed to be replaced.  Now I can use the same blade for maybe 2 months.  And I shave every day, sometimes more, I am one bristly mother lover. 

This is a remarkable return on investment, works on disposable razors and most types of blade, you’ll save a hod of cash and be far less likely to run out of blades at an inopportune moment.  Plus it means less waste which is better for the environment.  WIN all round.

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